Our field trip is getting closer. Thursday, October 6th is just around the corner. We are so excited! Just a few reminders and we should be ready to go.
First, if your child has not preordered lunch by Friday, 9/30/11, he/she will need to bring a sack lunch from home. Do not send lunchboxes the day of the trip. Send lunch in something that can be thrown in the trash.
Second, all money for the trip is due Friday as well. The cost of admission, bus, and driver is $12 per student. You may pay with cash or a check. Please make checks payable to Oakman Middle School .
Finally, no student will be allowed on the bus without a signed permission slip. If your child hasn’t brought one home to you, let us know and we will send another copy home with them.
We are really looking forward to this trip. It should be a great learning experience and a lot of fun for everyone!